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Thursday, 5 May 2016


This is just a random post for me to share he experience doing my internship in INSTEP, PETRONAS.

Being part of a giant company in Malaysia is one of things jotted down in my bucket list. Praise to god for His blessings, i made it into a giant company for my internship.

Even though it was only three months being in INSTITUT TEKNOLOGI PETROLEUM PETRONAS (INSTEP), I have learned a lot from the seniors. Oh yes, internship is actually a mandatory assessment assigned by the university in order for the students to complete their studies. The students will nee to foind a place for them to do the internship according to the duration designed by the institution. This is to expose to the students the real working environment for them to apply the theories they have learned in class practically. 

I was place under BRIDGING PROGRAM DEPARTMENT for the 12 weeks of internship. This department is actually dealing with the trainees. In other institutions, we might call this department as Students Affair (HEPA).Trainees will undergo training for 1 year or 2 semesters in this institution. This shows that the most senior trainee in this institution is semester 2 trainees.

Other than that, this department also design or organise events for the trainees. For example, we have conducted a smart camp for the semester one student and it is compulsory for them to attend to the camp. We did inside INSTEP as it will be easier for us to handle the trainees.

Brief the students about Smart Camp.
 I got the chance to apply my communication skills that leaned by theory back in UniSZA in INSTEP as I need to deal with the trainees, entertain them by answering to all their inquiries and explain to them on the right things that they need to know. 
 The Smart Camp.
Other than smart camp, I also got the chance to organize a musical event that is only base in ENGLISH LANGUAGE and called it "INSTEP got talent". I'm so grateful that I am equipped with the knowledge of organizing an event as i have pursued the EVENT MANAGEMENT course in UniSZA and it is an advantage for an English language student like me to organize an event that is based in English language.
 During "INSTEP got talent"
It is a quite long entry. Well, see you again in the next post.  

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